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    中远博学中国书画国际研究中心是经国家有关管理部门正式批准注册的、全公益性的研究单位。中心长期致力于中国书画艺术的发展、创新、继承和传播工作。 中国书画艺术有着几千年的悠久历史,爱好者遍及全世界各个角落。随着中国国力的增强与经济的振兴,文化发展迎来了一个异常繁荣的时代,如何继承与发扬非物质文化遗产的中国独有的中国书画艺术也同样逐渐被社会所认识。相关的研究机构和组织团体如雨后春笋遍布神州大地,但如何将中国书画艺术植入世界艺术的主流仍是一个值得探讨的课题。与现今流行的欧美文化相比,中国书画艺术的全世界普及仍处于发展的萌芽阶段,所以中国书画艺术的新生命力的形成与发展,也急需广大专业人士共同探讨、研究和推进。中国书画国际研究中心(中远博学)也将为这个目标起到推波助澜的作用,我们更希望能与广大人士一起共同携手,为中国书画艺术创造出一个美好的明天。

A brief introduction to the international research center of Chinese painting and calligraphy

    Center for International Studies of Chinese painting is registered formally approved by the relevant state administrative departments and national arts organizations in cooperation with Europe, the United States, East Asia, such as the establishment of a professional Chinese painting research institutions,Long-term commitment to the development of Chinese painting art, innovation, inheritance and propagation.The art of Chinese painting has a history of thousands of years,Enthusiasts throughout every corner of the world.With the revitalization of China's national strength and economic and cultural development ushered in an unusually prosperous era, Chinese painting art how to inherit and carry forward the intangible cultural heritage unique to China is also gradually social awareness. Related research institutions and organizations are springing up all over the vast land of China, but how the art of Chinese painting is implanted in the mainstream art of the world is still a subject worth exploring. Compared with the current popular culture of Europe and the United States, the worldwide popularity of Chinese painting art is still in the embryonic stage of development, the formation and development of Chinese painting art a new vitality, but also in urgent need of the majority of professionals to explore, study and promote the. Chinese Painting Center for International Studies (COSCO learned) will also play a role in fueling this goal, we hope that together with the majority of people to work together to create a better tomorrow for the art of Chinese painting.